Dental Implant Procedure with Isolite® Pro

Dental Implant Procedure with Isolite Pro

Video Transcript

My name is Dr. Bylis, and this is Innovative Dental Design. On my second case for Chris, we had a situation where he had anterior trauma to some of his front teeth and they were unrestorable. We placed two tag 16 by for two implants. Today we were actually doing the insert where I've got all these little screws and all the little components where we're in. The drivers were always concerned about like, you know what if (something falls), so I've got the Isolite in there, so I've got a trap. I don't have to worry.

We work in a clean environment. Again, it takes so much off of us. I can always figure out my assistant to do more important things than have to try to bail me out, made the whole procedure and much quicker, more efficient, have less stress for me, less stress for my patient, and more control of the final outcome. The difference between the Isolite Pro and the old Isovac is huge. I've got a three light levels. I've got a pure amber that allows me to work in an environment when I'm doing my adhesive dentistry. I've got a full shadow-free environment to work in and we can't go back on that. Plus the reduction in noise. It's so much quieter. It's just fabulous. I mean, the patients appreciate it and I know my team appreciates it and have it all day long.

Three solutions to choose from:

The [Isolite Pro] made the whole procedure and much quicker, more efficient, have less stress for me, less stress for my patient, and more control of the final outcome.
Paul Bylis, DDS
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